A proper understanding of the knowledge, attitude, belief and practice (KABP) of diabetic patients is considered vital in accomplishing the goal of management. The aim of the study was: To assess the KABP of diabetic patients towards their disease, treatment, life style and diet. To evaluate the impact of clinical pharmacist provided education on diabetic patient’s KABP. This study describes the KABP among 78 patients attending the Jalaram hospital at Surat. A face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire was carried out for data collection. A 31-items questionnaire was designed to assess the KABP and administered at the start of the study. A clinical pharmacist educated the patient regarding their disease, life style, diet and medications. The KABP questionnaire was re-administered after 30 to 40 days to assess the impact of patient education. The results revealed that 20 (25.7%) of the respondents were able to answer 50% or more questions correctly. After education, 64 (82%) of them had 50% or more score indicating an improvement by 56.4%. At baseline, majority of the study patients 58 (74.4%) and 65 (83.3%) were not aware of what diabetes is and its types, respectively. After pharmacist provided education there was a significant (p<0.001) increase in the awareness. In our study, patients with higher education exhibited more improvement in KABP than patients of lower education group after counseling session. At baseline assessment we observed that knowledge of patients towards diet was good which is followed by medication, life style and disease respectively. After pharmacist provided counseling this knowledge improved and maximum improvement was found in area towards disease. The result of the study point out that patient education improved the knowledge of patients regarding their disease, treatment, life style and diet and hence would be a useful tool in achieving good management and quality of life (QOL) in diabetic patients.